7. What are the environmental requirements in subsoil use sphere?
The subsoil legislation requires a compulsory environmental impact assessment and a positive expert opinion on the technical project for prospecting, exploration and development of deposit. Besides, while conducting activities the subsoil users must comply with the environmental legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, including the following principal normative legal acts:
- Law on General Technical Regulation on Environmental Safety in the Kyrgyz Republic of 8 May 2009;
- Law on Environmental Impact Assessment of 16 June 1999;
- Forest Code of the Kyrgyz Republic of 8 July 1999;
- Water Code of the Kyrgyz Republic of 12 January 2005;
- Law on Production and Consumption Waste of 13 November 2001, and other.
It is prohibited or limited to conduct works on prospecting, exploration and development of mineral deposits in specially protected natural territories (reserves, natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, botanical gardens, dendrological and zoological parks, biosphere territories and/or reserves, transboundary specially protected natural territories). There are also restrictions on conducting works in the border areas.