Partner - Marina Lim

Construction & Real Estate
Mining & Exploration
Oil & Gas
Corporate Issues & Capital Market
Mergers & Acquisitions, Business Restructuring & Reorganization
Russian, English
Marina Lim is a Partner and head of Construction & Real Estate Practice Group of the firm. Marina has rich experience in the real estate and construction areas. She handles all aspects of real estate transactions in virtually all major real estate sectors. Marina has been advising on all phases of construction and development, including land use, planning and zoning, construction, financing and development management.
- advised one of the largest aircraft lessors based in USA and Ireland-based operating lessor in connection with aircraft leasing to Kyrgyz airlines;
- advised Kyrgyz-Korean construction company, one of the largest housing complexes in the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic and its creditor, on issues related to financing the construction and obtaining land use rights;
- advised U.S. electricity generation and distribution company on obtaining land use rights for construction of power lines, transmission and sale of electricity, advised on restrictions set by Kyrgyz land law and consulted on permissible procedure of receiving the temporary use right to the land plots;
- advised one of the leading German consortiums in connection with purchase of real estate for cement production in the Kyrgyz Republic;
- advised a world’ famous broadcasting company in connection with construction of office buildings in the Kyrgyz Republic;
- advised, drafted, negotiated a wide range of range of construction-related documentation, such as domestic and international construction contracts, project management services’ agreements, collateral warranty agreements, funding and development, lease agreements; conducted specialised due diligence on technical, legal, environmental and permit/planning issues;
- advised the largest Russian company on the acquisition of land and construction of one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in the region
Included in Best Lawyers Database, Real Estate Practice Area (
Kalikova & Associates Law Firm (since 2003);
Lawyer, World Bank Land and Real Estate Registration Project (1999-2003);
Project Coordinator for Kyrgyzstan of GTZ legal reform in transition countries of the Central Asia and the Caucasus (1998-1999);
Head of Social Development Division of Legislative Drafting Department and Chief Specialist of Commercial Law Division of the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic (1996-1999);
Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic (1994-1996).
Diploma in Law, Kyrgyz State National University (1994).
Member of the International Business Council’s Committee on Construction.
The International Comparative Legal Guide: Mining 2016 (Chapter on Kyrgyzstan) co-authored with Jyldyz Tagaeva.
Contributor to CIS LCN Antitrust Guide (The CIS Legal Counsel Network in co-authorship with Murat Madykov;
“Some Issues of Legal Status of Incomplete Construction Objects in the Kyrgyz Republic”, Analytics Section,, 2010.
“Power Sector Reform in Early Transition Countries”, Law and Transition on-line, EBRD, London, Autumn 2004, in co-authorship with G.Kalikova.